Website U.S. Customs and Border Protection
"With more than 60,000 employees, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, CBP, is one of the world's largest law enforcement organizations and is charged with keeping terrorists and their weapons out of the U.S. while facilitating lawful international travel and trade. As the United States’ first unified border entity, CBP takes a comprehensive approach to border management and control, combining customs, immigration, border security, and agricultural protection into one coordinated and supportive activity"
Mission Support Specialist – Generalist (GS-11) – SkillBridge Internship Opportunity
IMPORTANT: This opportunity is OUTSIDE of USAJOBS.gov and ONLY open to DoD SkillBridge interns who are AT LEAST 13 months of separating and possess or anticipate a 30% or more Disabled Veteran, VRA, and/or Schedule A hiring authority eligibility along with being qualified for the position per the below qualifications.
LOCATION: U.S. Border Patrol Academy, Office of Training and Development (OTD), Artesia, NM
SALARY: DoD SkillBridge interns are paid by DoD while they intern as volunteers with CBP. The salary range below reflects the pay scale if hired at the end of the SkillBridge internship. There is no guarantee of employment, however, if CBP hiring managers are able to hire interns at internship conclusion, the salary range is: $62,107-80,737 (GS-11 Step 1-10).
MAJOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: This position is located with U.S. Border Patrol Academy, Office of Training and Development (OTD), and serves in a developmental capacity under the leadership and guidance of a higher graded specialist. The intern serves as a Mission Support Specialist (Generalist) and plans and carries out a wide variety of mission support, supply, inventory, fleet, budget, procurement, human resources, workers compensation, payroll, travel, administrative research, and program planning activities related to the missions and functions of the U.S. Border Patrol Academy within the Office of Training and Development.
· The intern assists with managing the U.S. Border Patrol Academy property program to include ordering, receiving, inventorying, transferring, issuing, and excessing property. Assists with annual and bi-annual inventory requirements. Serves as an Inventory Taker or Local Property Officer (LPO) performing physical inventory and reporting inventory status and assists the Local Property Officer (LPO), Local Accountable Officer (LAO) and the Property Coordinator (PC) in meeting all timelines and requirements established by inventory guidance. The intern assists with overseeing the lost, stolen, destroyed, or missing property program and assists management by performing audits and preparing, processing, or extracting reports.
· Monitors supply levels and re-orders timely to ensure a sufficient stock of required items. Assists in researching suppliers, works with requesters to procure goods/services, then prepares required documents, and submits for approval. Assists with purchase card and purchase requisition functions for execution. Reviews bills monthly to prevent overcharging and misuse and ensures required property transfer actions are completed as required. Identifies ways to improve or enhance current services and to ensure that such services meet management’s business objectives.
· Enters data and obtains reports in Business Warehouse (BW) and Systems and Products (SAP).
· Performs tasks associated with creating requisitions and purchase orders to ensure budget approval. With guidance, performs budget analysis to analyze historical data, current spending, future estimates, and trends.
· Manages incoming and outgoing correspondence, suspense’s, and reports. Receives incoming official mail and ensures proper handling of administrative material. Prepares informational packages for senior management.
· Executes timekeeping functions to include reviewing, amending, and certifying work schedules to ensure the accurate submission of timecards. Assists with the management of base pay, premium pay, overtime, and leave entitlements and administration. Assists with monitoring overtime hours and pay to ensure that no employee exceeds the congressionally mandated overtime pay cap.
· Executes staff scheduling to include daily assignments.
· Supports accomplishment of academy/division workers compensation program. Provides support for the performance appraisal and employee and unit awards programs.
· Conducts local records management and utilizes various databases and automated systems to prepare various property, supply, budget and other mission and administrative support reports.
· Knowledge of basic principles, concepts, and methodology related various mission support functions sufficient to contribute to planning and organizing.
· Analytical ability to review, interpret and evaluate information to identify pertinent concerns, recommend actions, and carry out procedures.
· Sound ability to communicate both orally and in writing used to question, explain, and discuss requirements, work situations, and procedural requirements to various managers and employees, and the ability to display well-balanced, accurate judgement.
· Knowledge of CBP organization structure, policies, and procedures as well as related administrative functions to recognize when management proposals will impact other program areas (e.g., logistics, safety, etc.) and require coordination with other program areas and require additional coordination.
· Knowledge of the basic concepts, principles, regulations, and policies related to logistics and procurement management sufficient to plan, organize, evaluate, and improve logistics and procurement services and processes.
· Basic knowledge of various information systems and proficiency with standard software programs such as Microsoft Office Excel, PowerPoint, and Word, to develop and maintain electronic files, and create or edit reports, word processing documents, PowerPoint presentations and spreadsheets.
HOW TO APPLY: Email Jeffrey.R.Jack@cbp.dhs.gov with SUBJ: CBP – SkillBridge – USBP Academy– Mission Support Specialist – Generalist (GS-11) – Artesia, NM.
Include the following documentation:
Your resume will enable us to determine the grade level for which you qualify; therefore, align it to the specifics as described in the Duties and Qualifications sections above. Provide details of your education, background, and experience so we can accurately assess your qualifications, and be sure to highlight any superior proficiencies that uniquely qualify you.
Your DD214 (SSN redacted) or Statement of Service with all campaign medals contained therein (SSN redacted), VA Disability Rating Letter and/or Schedule A Letter is also required.